Dedicated company session
- leadership and shared leadership
- team cohesion
- problem solving
- communication
- individual and team development
- team dynamics
- creativity
- motivation and trust
- managing successes and failures
- active listening
- assertiveness and self-esteem
- positive relations
- team work rather than silos
- collaboration vs competition
- optimal use of interaction styles
- time management
- focus
Inter-company session
- leadership
- problem solving
- communication styles
- active listening
- assertiveness, self-esteem
- accepting others and diversity
- relationships with others
- groups dynamics
- experience exchange
- accepting other styles and ways
Individual session
- assertiveness and self-esteem
- stepping out of one’s comfort zone in a safe environment
- communication
- stress and emotions management
- managing personal and professional pressure
- setting up of personal objectives
- self-awareness
- adaptability